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Call for expressions of interest | Deep energy retrofit community center pilot project

Date: February 25, 2025
Location: Salle Madeleine-Lahaye, 500 montée de l'Église, L'Ile-Bizard, H9C 1G9

The borough of Île-Bizard-Sainte-Geneviève, in the city of Montreal, is issuing a call for expressions of interest to sound out the industry with a view to a future call for tender for the panelized deep energy retrofit (DER) of the Centre socioculturel de l'Île Bizard. The aim is to carry out a first pilot project of its kind in Quebec, in collaboration with the Reconstruct initiative, inspired by the Energiesprong model. This approach increases the performance of the building envelope with prefabricated insulated panels and updates mechanical systems, leading to energy use reductions of 50-80%.

The city wishes to start a conversation with general contractors, panel manufacturers, and architectural and engineering consulting firms, with the intent that these stakeholders will subsequently organize themselves into teams that will apply to the call for tender. Those firms that are interested are invited to consult the notice published on SEAO and to attend an information session at Île Bizard (see information below).

The Centre socioculturel de l'Île Bizard, typical of many Quebec industrial buildings, is a good candidate for a first pilot project due to its vital role within the community, its current low performance in terms of energy and comfort, and its potential to inform the development of a replicable approach for similar buildings. The project is supported by funding programs from the governments of Quebec and Canada, as well as Hydro-Québec, for innovative strategies that stimulate the economy and offer concrete action in response to climate change. This pilot project will enable participating firms to position themselves at the cutting edge in the development of a new and rapidly expanding economic sector.

Project details

Title : Community center pilot project using the Deep Energy Retrofit approach and provision of professional services

Client: Ville de Montréal, arrondissement de L'Île-Bizard-Sainte-Geneviève City of Montreal, borough of L'Île-Bizard-Sainte-Geneviève

Address: Centre socioculturel de l'Île Bizard. #490 Montée de l'Église Street, Montreal

Information session

Date: February 25, 2025, from 09:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

09:30-10:30: Building tour

10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Project presentation and question period (in person and virtual)

Location: Salle Madeleine-Lahaye, 500 montée de l'Église, L'Ile-Bizard, H9C 1G9

Please register your interest in the information session at:

For more information...

Schematic of a panelized DER showing possible interventions

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  • Arrondissement de l’Île-Bizard—Sainte-Geneviève
  • Société d’habitation du Québec
  • Building decarbonization alliance
  • Pembina institute
  • Québec BVI – Bâtiment vert et intelligent
  • ReCover Initiative
  • Retrofit Canada
  • The Atmospheric Fund (TAF)
  • Transition Accelerator
  • Zero Emissions Innovation Centre
  • If Then Architecture Inc.
  • Minotair Inc.
  • RG Solutions